Empty Space

So to you who feels alone, I want you to know that you are not alone in feeling that way. They say misery loves company but in reality,...

So to you who feels alone, I want you to know that you are not alone in feeling that way. They say misery loves company but in reality, it does not want company, it wants someone to understand the emotions they cannot even understand themselves. To you who feels alone, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in feeling that way.

It is the blanket you embrace on a hot summer night, covering you, making you uncomfortable for no apparent reason. You want it but you do not want it at the same time. It is like deciding to walk in a park on a bright sunny day then suddenly, it starts raining, and there was you standing there in the rain.

You know that strange feeling of being a stranger in a familiar place full of familiar faces? It is loneliness of lonesomeness disguised as irony.  It is feeling empty that makes you lonely. In contrast, being lonely that makes you feel alone. You look beside you and there is an empty space. 

I know you have had sleepless nights. For days, weeks, or months. What matters is that how you really feel. The feeling drowns and suffocates you. Allow it to take so much space in your heart. Feel every bit of sadness and longing. Do not leave an empty space in your heart. This is what matters. It is okay to not feel okay. Allow yourself to fall apart and be in different pieces. Because it is in these moments where you can decide to be a different version of yourself.

Be an empty box. Allow that emptiness to swallow you in creating so much thought in your mind. Seek the company of no one. Allow yourself to ponder things on your own. Allow yourself to let no judgments cloud your thoughts. You are the master of your own mind and the only person capable of putting yourself back together. Seek to do things that you never thought you could do on your own. Get yourself together pieces by pieces. 

You are beautiful. You no longer need that validation from someone. Because when the time comes that you do realize you are then it would be easier to love, to share yourself, and express yourself to someone all over again. That is a wonderful thing.

With love, Syafika


  1. I dah lama tak blogwalking and suddenly baca post you today. Thank you so much for this inspiring writing. What a pure poetry!
    "Allow yourself to fall apart and be in different pieces because it is in these moments where you can decide to be a different version of yourself" Thissssss, fav!

    Come and visit mine :) https://fallensecrets.blogspot.com/2019/04/2nd-month-of-internship-and-update-on.html

  2. I uhhhhh LOVE THIS !!!! I have no words but this actually is so true. We all felt it. Welcome to my fluffy candies list (my favourite list)

    1. Thank you so much for adding me into the list, I really appreciate it!

  3. That is... beautiful *heart eyes* Such inspiring words <3


  4. Life is a constant shrieking loudness, sometimes we need to step down and engulf the silent still. Good writing, I would never be able to write like this whoops!
