Welcome Back - SYAFTKA

Welcome Back

Hello and warm greetings to whoever be reading this. Guess who is back after two months break silencing away from the blogging stuffs? W...

Hello and warm greetings to whoever be reading this. Guess who is back after two months break silencing away from the blogging stuffs? Well yes that is me. I do took a long break time from here but that will be it, welcome back to myself. Recently, there is this thought about revamping my blog but I feel like this look and concept have always feel like home. I have always enjoyed blogging, but you know life sometimes got in the way.

True that, I have been a bit quiet here for a while but it does not mean that nothing was happening behind the scenes. Lots of thing happened while I took a break from writing some stuffs. There is this thing that I meet new people, and sharing a lot of quality time with my family. You know, sometimes you just need to step back a little, change your perspective, take your time, reflect on what is going on and make future your plans and stuffs.

Lots of things happened these days. Alhamdullilah I have been blessed with good things and I am thankful for that as I can keep the pace for this semester. And to add on top of that, my internship placement has been approved by my desired law firm and guess what, the firm just take about 10 minutes from home and a tad exciting that I will be starting internship in the upcoming July this year. Few days ago, my younger brother finished off his diploma studies with first class honors and I am proud of him. He always been the brain of the family, and I acknowledge that. I am a proud big sister, if you ever read this congratulations bub you deserved it.

Nevertheless, all these good things happened recently made me feel motivated, empowered, enthusiastic, and blessed. Alhamdullilah. I know that a lot of things will shift from now on and it is my responsibility to make things happen and I will make them happen. Two of my dreams came true in the span of the same time, and I am working to strive for more.

May this positive energy will stay for a long time and I do need it. New semester has just started and things will get as busy as ever in a few weeks. I really hope that this semester season will give myself some space and possibility to reflect, and make some important decisions and plans.

Well then, I told you about how these good things that happened to me recently. Be proud of you and yourself. May I see you again in my next post.

Have a good day people.

With love, Syafika


  1. There's always time that we eventually became bored of our blog theme so it's nice to have a 'renovation' once in a while. I always enjoyed the process.
    Good luck on your internship and the rest of your semester!

  2. Glad to see you again. May everything be as good as you want it to be 😊

    Syaza | www.syazaraihanah.com

    1. Thank you for the warm words <3
