
A warm greetings to all of you. Guess what, I am back with a stronger view of my life recently. In my previous post, I kinda feel half-h...

A warm greetings to all of you. Guess what, I am back with a stronger view of my life recently. In my previous post, I kinda feel half-hearted about writing a post but when I read it back, it feels amusing to me that I could get so lazy and have been running out of ideas about what to write in order to keep my blog from turning somewhat dusty and quiet. The feeling grasping about what happened in my life recently, I cannot say nothing much about it. 

So what about recently that I has been talking about?

As the semester break is coming to an end, I am currently preparing some stuffs before the new semester will start soon. It is hard to believe but yes, I miss the studying environment, lofting around my bed probably doing nothing other watching dramas or reading. The summary of my semester break would be nothing much to say. Mixed feelings about the upcoming semester but lets just wait and see about the unforeseeable of future chances and future events. 

It might be sudden but I kinda want to talk about BTS, my ultimate favorite group there you go as they just released a new album that also marks an end era to the Love Yourself trilogy, one of the best albums of the year. A rare side of me actually to talk about them neither K-pop, as I usually expressed my fangirling moments only in twitter, yes I am. I have been pretty much being an Army around  2013, somewhere just after their first album released and they debuted, a very peculiar group that succeed to divert my attention to them. I never talk about them like this, but I truly treasure them. If feels somewhat their trilogy albums speak out to me, so does everyone who is battling with their inner self to embrace themselves. Just like them growing to be where they are right now, all of their albums show their journey of being an artist that everyone is looking up to. Along side with me growing up from a teenage girl to a young girl in the present, I am looking forward of what the future endeavors that BTS could hold onto. In the meantime to those who want to know who they are, please check out BTS & I gotta say that you will not regret it.

But it upsets me that some people would downgrade them because of their fame now. They have been working hard ever since they debuted and they hardly get any rest. I have to say that BTS are one of the most hardworking and talented groups that I have ever seen, the efforts that they put into their work are no joke. They deserve to be where they are right now and I hope they will know that. I am proud ARMY and I will always be, I may not be able to attend their concerts because well I probably cannot afford it but someday I hope I will, but nonetheless of that will not break the bond. I just had to say this because I noticed that some people can be really bitter with their success. All of their songs are one of a kind, our youth, our dreams and about ourselves, that is what they always talk about in their songs. That is why you feel that some of their songs really came straight from the heart and it reached us, it feels like someone could read your mind out loud. Well, that is BTS.

Alright, this is what the recently I am talking about, on the side note I just want to talk about my boys here, pardon me because this is a special post dedicated to them. I am planning to write something that feels personal to me in my next post, so stay tuned! Have a good day everyone.

Listening to Epiphany by Jin (BTS)

With love, Syafika


  1. i got goosebumps reading this post :')

  2. those people who downgrade BTS should get a life lol. i mean, why not, they're already breaking it to international music industry. i also have listened some of the songs from the album and all of them are very interesting and the queen itself, Nicki Minaj, collaborating with them. i hope that they will never disband the group because it would breaks my heart into pieces.

    1. Exactly, it always breaks my hearts whenever I see people talking bad about them, I know that time will come when they will finally settle in their own life later when they get older but I hope they will never disband and keep making meaningful music to us anyway thank you for reading!

  3. reading your post, it brings me back how I really started to like them :D I started becoming a fan of them since Boy in Luv era, I remembered how hooked I am with 'Just One Day'. I have a lot of school problems back in the day, but with BTS, I can somewhat escape it by enjoying their music. They always make me laugh because of their goofy personality, I love watching most of their reality shows! I agree, they are one of the most hardworking group I could ever found, and they are even the role models for the new generation idols. Watching people downgrade them is sad, yes. I have a friend that was an ARMY but she left the fandom because she said there are many problematic people in this fandom, and that this fandom is no longer a "peaceful" fandom back in the days when they're not that known throughout the world. It's sad that BTS got the blame only because of some of their fans behaviour :'( I know, not all the fans like that, especially their faithful fans that stay since their debut.

    1. Absolutely, I love escaping this harsh reality by listening to BTS. it put my mind at ease. Yes I could not deny that there are some problematic people in this fandom, and somehow just like you said, I miss how peaceful and safe it is when they are not that known back in the days. I am proud and happy that they are globally popular now because their wish has been granted, but it upsets me that some people can blame them only because of some rude fans behaviour, I have to admit that I feel kinda toxic being in this fandom because of those people but somewhat they made me stay and being a faithful person because they are the one who actually make my life better just by listening to their music, who make me reflect of my past self to turn me into a better person and make me want to work harder, and I want to support them as long as I can. It might sounds cliche but I really treasure them a lot.
